The Love of God
God's Amazing Love!

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
80 Comment(s)
I would like to have the complete poem where it says something about man and angel song
Hello to everyone who came to the UK and Ireland any time.
praise God and worship him, and share the word of God, don't forget God loves people more than everything.God Bless in our life
The order of the words shown for "The Love of God" are not in the correct order.
Please see
For the complete poem and the proper sequence of the lyrics of the 3rd verse.
Roy Holton
Wonderful poem. Very inspiring.
OMG I love this Poem!!!!!!! I love everything about it
The Love of God Poem , Just so very beautiful touch your heart express infinity of God's Love that even wrote in words can't even make enough ink from drain the ocean
and to write on the sky Do Not even have enough space
Alisa Mc
Funny Poem! :)
I heard this quoted in a sermon yesterday and scribbled down the title. Hoped I could find it again. Thank you for posting it. Love the full version David has quoted. Apparently it was adapted as a hymn.
Great poem!
That is very nice
Very interesting. Love reading Gods love poems. Thank you for posting it.
Loving God with all our heart, mind and soul is the best thing we can do in this world. Beautiful poem. God bless you.
Very nice
God's love is God himself and is beyond man's reasoning.
Gods love is like an ocean full of water and full of fish. Who can count the number of them? Thank you so much for this wonderful poem.
love it. its wonderful and inspiring
Love it. Very inspiring. It touched my heart.
Very inspiring. Love to read poems like this one.
wow its rich and pure is the love of God..its measureless and marvellous..thank you
This is Great, but listen to this song.
Nice poem
Fantastic ! Really Wonderful f***
out standing
It is very good poem.I love it
very nice poem and inspires me towars god
Loved it
its is very lovely
God whose name is LOVE!
song by Dottie Rambo...
This is part of a song!
Those words are deep ... love it.
I was looking for THE TOUCH OF THE MASTERS HAND, and found your website, I now have it bookmarked.
Thank You,
Your Friend,
John D.
I teach young children about the words of god this poem touched ny heart and soul i hope this world would realies how good he is
I'm teaching a study over the love of God and this small poem is part of a hymn. I'm going to copy this for the ladies and make a Love book if you will about God. Thank you for your help.
so lovely
Over the years, I learnt nothing, no only one thing. That His name is Love.
What a blessed being we are.
I always remember my GOD.
If God's love is this great, can a whole heaven, embrace our love, and the love of our children's hearts, that will oneday reach the paradise that awaits us all, in this heaven above. God Bless, to all who believe!
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