How Much are You Worth?
Find Your True Value!
, by Emmanuel Higgins
Do you sometimes feel worthless? Or, at times, have you been slighted or treated as though you were of little value?
Should we value some people more/less than others?
And how should we set a value upon each other?
Let's open the Bible and find some answers.
Remember to pray and ask God to give us wisdom before we read His word.
How much does God care for us? And how much does He value us?
Matthew 10:29-31
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
God cares for his creation (the sparrows in this case) so much! In fact not even one sparrow dies and falls on the ground without God noticing it. But to us sparrows seem so small and worthless, in fact in the Bible times two sparrows were sold for a farthing (less then one cent)!
If God values the sparrows so much, how much does He care for, and value us? Are not we of more value than many sparrows? Yes! In fact, God knows so much about us that even every hair on our head is numbered!
But how much are you and I truly worth? And what value should we place upon each other?
Often we'll look at the work someone is doing, and if they're doing a poor job, perhaps always making mistakes, then we view that person as of little value.
But is this the correct way of seeing value in someone?
In a friendship, if one person is not showing kindness, sympathy or love to the other, is it because they don't really value or appreciate that person as they should?
Think about it, if we truly saw the value of people as God does, would we still treat each other the way we do?
What value does God place upon us? Remember the verse we read earlier.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father." Think of it, not one of these little brown sparrows that are caroling forth their praises to God will fall to the ground without the notice of the heavenly Father. Not one of these little brown sparrows that the boys so ruthlessly kill, drops to the ground but his eye marks its fall. "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." If God cares for a sparrow that has no soul, how will he care for the purchase of the blood of Christ? One soul is worth more than all the world. For one soul Jesus would have passed through the agony of Calvary that that one might be saved in his kingdom. "Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows." {RH, May 3, 1892 par. 8}
And this is the key to seeing and understanding the value of you and me and all other people in the world, that is, to see our value in light of what Jesus did to save us!
Isaiah 13:12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
God says that he will make a man, that is you and me, more precious than fine gold! (Ophir was a place famous for its gold). And truly, when we look at the greatness of the price paid to save us it is much, much more precious than gold!
How much Jesus loves us! Think about how Jesus, the great powerful Creator, became a man and walked among us, and then was crucified in the hands of those He had created!! And He did it because he loved and valued us so much, that He wanted to save us from our sins! So are we not of far greater value than anything in this world?
The worth of a human soul can be estimated only by the light reflected from the cross of Calvary. ... It was the joy set before Christ in accomplishing so great salvation, that led him to submit to shame, agony, and death. How do all the treasures and the glories of earth sink into insignificance when compared with the value of a human soul! {ST, February 16, 1882 par. 17}
Lets remember how much we are of value in God's eyes! And remember to be kind and loving to all the people in this world because of what Jesus has done for us, and the great worth He has place on us all.
74 Comment(s)
This is an excellent read! I needed this.
Thank you very much for spreading God's love. He will flow through us and wants us to become our best. What suggestions do you have to open up our vulnerabilities to invite God in for lasting healing and restoration?
I want to know how much im i worth too God
I understand the sentiment behind this post, but it is a misuse of Scripture. Isaiah 13:12 is talking about the destruction of Babylon. In saying, "I will make people more rare than fine gold," God is not talking about adding value to humans, but about the wrath He would later inflict, causing people to become "scarce." Things that are rare are considered more valuable than commonplace objects, but the purpose of stating this is to describe destruction, not preciousness.
This verse is being taken out of context, and while I agree with how invaluable God made humans to be, there are other, better, contextually sound examples in the Bible than this.
Psalm 139:13-16, Matthew 6:25-34, Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Galatians 2:20, 1 Samuel 16:7.
Please revise or delete this post. What you are saying is absolutely worth saying, but taking the Bible out of context is wrong.
I love God.
the value of a soul can't measured or compared to any creature known or unknown visible and invisible. The value God attached to man is just too high. Look to all the creatures all for man, the sun, moon, the sea, the earth and all that is therein; the Paradise lost and the Paradise to come all for souls. Finally God sacrificed the life of His only beloved and begotten SON CALLED JESUS THE CHRIST to win souls of mankind to Himself. God's value for souls can not be perfectly described by man He (God) Created in His likeness Gen.1:26. Souls are too precious to Him; He has given all to have them.
the value of a soul can't measured or compared to any creature known or unknown visible and invisible. The value God attached to man is just too high. Look to all the creatures all for man, the sun, moon, the sea, the earth and all that is therein; the Paradise lost and the Paradise to come all soul. Finally God sacrificed the life of His only beloved and begotten SON CALLED JESUS THE CHRIST to win souls of mankind to Himself. God's value for souls can not be perfectly described by man. Created in His likeness Gen.1:26
My best friend son got shot in his head? his was in the wrong trying to hurt but he got hurt,Please pray that God touch his life and turn him around he is on life support now his mother is scared to death. i told her believe in God first for He takes care of His own.
Ineeded to read this am dealing with a guy who's kinda self centered playing mind games and everything is always my fault
good website, helped for homework
Am very much blessed and indeed am very expensive. What a joy and God bless you
I believe that the value of the human soul was never the reason for God redeeming man from sin and death. God's act of redemption stems purely out of compassion & grace and NOT because of anything inherent in us or from us.
God's act of Grace (Undeserved Favour) towards man made way for the spiritually-dead mankind to be ransomed by the sacrifice of Christ to satisfy the Justice of God.
The idea that human value has something to do with God's atoning work is to reduce the work of salvation to a barter-like transaction. Such belief (no matter how "Philosophical and romantic" it may sound) is man-centric and robs God the Glory that He alone deserves.
Wonderful post! I am still a somewhat new Christian and have a question, though. I have seen people quoting Isaiah 13:12 when talking about our value....but when I look up Isaiah 13:12, it's context is clearly in the middle of God pronouncing the judgement He's about the bring on Bablylon! The point of that verse is that men will become as rare as gold because most of the men in Babylon will die. God says exactly that a verse later.
Again, I am no Bible scholar...but isn't this verse being taken out of context?
I have always valued myself, but after reading this message and study, I place a higher value on my self, time, talents and service. Thank You O God
Strangest thing just happened today ,me + God were weeding the garden when a single sparrow flew up to me and landed at my knee not a foot away .Looked me right in the eye.My son's birthday is today and he would have been 25 but took his own life 2 weeks prior battling depression.The sparrow had no reason to approach me but what I got from the encounter is ,you are not alone ,God cares for me [a sparrow] he also cares for you.
I got this revelation this morning that my life is worth the precious blood of Jesus Christ. In economic, trade by barter is determined by value. Items to be exchanged must be rated almost equal in value. To God and to Christ, my life is seen as almost equal in worth to the life of Jesus Christ.
I am a Christian, and I don't feel I have much value. I'm 59 single no children. I sold my house and quit my job to move in with my parents and take care of them so they would not have to be put in a nursing home. I have been doing this for almost five years. They both have Alzheimer's so I have to be with them all the time. And most of what I hear is negative. And I feel like such a failure. Every one else my age have home and children and are involved in ministry. Maybe I'm just not seeing right. I didn't use to fill this way.
I am so glad that I got a chance to read it.I am highly inspired by it . It's so nice.
I'm highly inspired.
Really blessed by the Message, The Price paid by The Lord for the soul of man can't be quantified by any earthly measurement of Value. These also shows that our God is very detailed and nothing takes Him unawares....for us to go through challenges in our lives doesn"t mean He is a bad God but to show that He cares more than enough to be with us in it and see us through by Faith in Christ Jesus. Glory to His name
so how much are we worth?
If God can create any form of life, could He not then create a man who IS utterly worthless? And what if I'm that man? What if Christ died for everyone except me and why should He care about someone like me anyway? I've been on this planet 51 years and I've done absolutely nothing great or wonderful or worthy. I've tried to be helpful but it's not enough. What am I that God and Christ should even like me when there are days I bearly like myself? And yes, I'm in therapy. Besides, at least sparrows can fly and sing. I can't do anything.
God bless nice...
Please reconsider your exegesis of the Isaiah 13 text. I'm afraid its been taken out of context. When you read the chapter you will see that God is talking about his wrath and judgment. The desolation will be so severe "man will be as rare as gold." It's not a compliment or a credit to man... its a warning.
It is a wonderful message I was blessed by it.
With great focus on many who have suffered in the mental health care system in Canada, is what one never prepares themselves for within the Canadian culture of people, I was a person who lived by the truth, always spoken from my lips, the wisdom of fire in the acknowledgment of the truth being spoken, and through the wisdom it provided to always live my life in righteous categories. Canadians taught me through my incarcerations in life, that being placed in the system, and then in a hospital for their inability to live by the truth, the mind of a sociopath always lives by the lies they create within them, and firstly the image they create of themselves, and then work towards the elimination of those who burst the bubble of lies they have built to create, of a false image of themselves. What I have been worth to myself, and the Lord, who til this day fights for my freedoms, is the will to live my life with freedom, although the system may believe my incarceration has changed me, all that has changed the sociopath who incarcerates others, are their lies that have enslaved them, and also their lies, which have freed me!!!
yes this was wonderful information, I was blessed tremendously
Very blessed. In fact, I've used verse 29 in a eulogy about a special dog that died 10 years ago and again in a story about a special mouse that I lost this year at only 3 months old. I know most Christians believe they don't have an afterlife, that any animals in Heaven and the Kingdom would be all new ones. However, I'm standing on promises like Ephesians 3:20 and others like how he will reconcile all things in earth to Himself. More tomorrow.
I am so blessed with this message.It was a perfect lesson to me to discuss to those girls who are abuse and cerrently Im working.They are precious in the eyes of God.It's time for them to realized that they are valueable in God's family and understand their value and how they value each other no matter how poor,how imperfect they are. Great message.Thanks
I love the message that you are trying to share about our worth, and there are many Scripture passages that speak about our worth in Christ. I'm glad you used Matt. 10:29-31. However, you completely took the Isaiah 13:12 passage out of context. It does not speak to our worth at all, what it speaks to is judgment of sinners and actually means that God will judge and destroy sinners, in the last days, to the point that mankind's "presence" will be rarer than fine gold on the earth. Better passages that speak on our worth would be passages that talk about God making us heirs, and what He does for us. For instance, Ephesians 2:4-10, Titus 3:4-7, John 1:12-13, Ephesians 1:3-14. You could even use Lamentations 4:2 if you understand as children of God, we are worth more than gold. Please be careful when using Scripture that you use it correctly and not just try to make it fit for the purpose of it sounding great in articles. Those of us that teach and write will be held accountable for what we say.
Thanks for such an encouraging site. Your messages are great. We are all worth a lot to God. Someday, we'll all meet and greet in Heaven and meet our wonderful Savior who gave His all for us that we might inherit eternal life. God bless you all. Keep looking up. Jesus is coming soon.
I would love to thank the Lord Jesus for blessing OUR family and friends. He healed me by the grace of God
but this says that a specific value can be assessed on a human life and that god values us as we value objects like gold does that mean god sees us as objects or currency? is god a capitalist?
nanook, everyone has worth and everyone is loved and that is just satan talking to make you feel worthless and you should cast him out of your house
i feel worthless sometimes and i try to drown my sadness in food...
I've been struggling with depression for sometime now. Praise God he led me to a Christian therapist who really has encouraged me to return to my source for a "renewed mind". Reading articles such as this help to feed my spirit and mind so that I can remember God's love is what measures my worth. And HIS love is endless.
I love the blessings they give me hope and strength love the teachings of how i'm worth in gods eyes
thank you lord you help me through everything
Glory to GOD! I shared to my account in FB I pray to the Lord that many souls will lift up your sharing too. Thank You to the Lord for being an instrument to bless I am also pray that I can be a channel of your blessings in Christ Jesus Amen.
Thanks you.
This message came from the throne room of Heaven.
Thank you for sharing this biblical gem...
The Scientific value of man is just 0.20 cents. Thus from the calcium etc in our borns which can make just one pencil which costs 20 cents. But because of the cross we are worth Christ coming to redeem us from sin by His precious blood.
Imagine the value of an elephant trophy. Itis over US$80 000 but Jesus did not die for animals but for you and me. No matter how valueless unGodly peaople can view you and me. To Him we are more precious than the gold of Orphia Isaih 13:12
Our Father ,(Jesus dad )Jesus gave His only begotten Son to die upon the Cross for me (you) when He had done no sin/wrong, but He loved me(us) so much that He gave His life for me(us),and rose the third day, that we can have eternal life. I am nothing without Jesus but with Jesus all things are possible, I belong to Him, I am a conquer , I am ambassador, I am a child of God, I am His own ,I am who God predestined me to be, I am the child of the Most High God, I am an heir of Abraham, I am a Warrior, I am a believer who has faith in God, I am a born-again Christian, who has been washed in the blood of the Lamb, I been Redeemed, I know God is my Shepherd, my Salvation, my Father, my Rock, my Deliver my Shield, Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End, First and Last, He's everything that I am and more to my life. I love Jesus and He's all that I need. Thank You Jesus for saving me, I can't thank Him enough, also thank You for bringing me out of darkness into the light, that I can help others see the light and come to You, and ask for forgiveness, believe, confess their sins to You so that they an be saved.. It's as easy as A,B, C,--A=Ask ,B=Believe,C=Confess with your mouth, that you have sinned and you shall be saved. Your life will never be the same, now that I am a Christian, my passion burns deep inside of me to help bring/win lost souls to Jesus Christ, there's no greater calling in my life than win lost souls to Jesus Christ.
thank you so much for the word
I am uplifted and I boast the goodness of God. Many times in my life, I felt being taken for granted and ignored by the people who are close to my heart! I thank God for your message.... More power to your ministry online....
Thanks for the revelation of Gods great value place on us... God i love u
This site is a Blessing. I thank you for sharing God's inspiring word.
The need of this generation has actually been meet here . So thank be the name of the Lord
I thank the lord who made this available for me