The Jailer
a poem about forgiveness.
, by Monika Langguth

I chose a soul not to release
For he had caused me pain,
And yet my soul did not have peace
But wrapped itself in chain.
I have the right not to forgive
For this one did me wrong
And by my choice I, too, would live
And drag this chain along.
The chain grew longer every day
The weight I could not bear
And though I tried to pull away
The chain was always there.
Yet still I felt it was my right
To hold one in this cell
The chain around my heart grew tight
In my created hell.
Remembering the written word
Forgiveness is a choice
I thought forgive? that is absurd
But then I heard a voice.
I forgave your past . . . didn’t I?
Yes. . . all your dirty sins
If forgiveness you deny
You’ll find that no one wins.
You’ve locked a soul within a cell
A jailer you’ve become
And so you too are in your hell
For you must hold the one...
That you have chosen to refuse
To set free from his debt
And so in truth you really lose
Because you will not let...
The debtor go. . .set this soul free
Forgive this person’s debt
Unlock the cell now with your key
And freedom you will get.
That was the day I was set free
From my own selfish pride
I threw away my jailer’s key
And opened the cell wide
For who am I to hold a grudge
And not let one go free
For God alone each man will judge
And He can, too, judge me
I learned to put someone in jail
The jailer stays there too
Forgive and let love be the bail
For that soul and for you.
Forgiveness really sets one free
Someday it might be you
So jailer, throw away the key
And you will be free, too.
- Monika Langguth
© 2015, used with permission
34 Comment(s)
I recently discovered the 'only the Bible ' site and today I found your poem .I cannot express how much your words blessed me !! With your permission , I want to share this with others !! God Bless and thank you !!
Can I use this Poem for my Enditnow abuse event. Please and thank you
What a beautiful antidote to hate!
I request permission to use it.
Thank you! I just saw your response for the first time and I am so happy.
What a glorious piece about forgiveness! I praise ADONAI for this beautiful gift to all who will believe, receive, and allow The Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ to set them free!
Doris… you may use it if you wish.. ??
This poem is so DYNAMIC. Everyone should hear it. I am gifted to recite poetry and I would love to do this poem publicly. The message that is so profoundly written must be heard by others.
Plant the words of this poem in the hearts of man and watch it grow and change lives. This poem should have gone viral. Millions of people should hear the words of this poem. Not just a few hundred.
This poem is beautiful! It really spoke to me. I may just recite it at our church annual variety show. We cannot call it a "talent" show, we do try. ?
very truthful poem
This poem was truly inspirational for me as I was preparing my lesson for the Sisters Saturday morning bible study.
We must forgive and not hold grudges. God says, stay in your lane.
This poem is so on point. When I read it, I changed my prayer line presentation that deals with forgiveness and your poem gives me the opportunity to use it as a teachable moment. If you would like to chime in for my presentation I would be honored to have you.
Thank you for one to enjoy true freedom in the Son yes forgiveness is the KEY
nice its true every words in poem I am realy impress in this
God bless you I really needed to read that... Thank you
This is beautifully done!
This was poignant for my husband and myself. It's my birthday and we had a minor disagreement that escalated and my birthday wasnt really acknowledged.
It may not matter but I sent it to him. I believe in this and exercise such. Unfortunately, hes challenged me on how much one can and ought to forgive the other.
Beautifully said Monika!!
Sorry those question marks are supposed to be hearts
beautiful Monika!
The truth of God’s word
The poem is a Godly poem filled with truth. When I forgive I’m free and God forgives me. Amen!
This is wonderful! It’s so true also.
Thanks for sending this to me! Is what I need to share with my son....hopefully he will get it and reach out to me again, it’s been 4 years now and no contact.
This is absolutely wonderful. Beautifully written.????
I love this poem about forgiveness, I can speak truly from my heart on this poem about forgiveness.
I missed alot of beaultiful poems This is wonderful
Wonderful and soul lifting.
All I can say it wow! This poems says a lot to me in a few words. Thanks for sharing.
these are the most beautiful poems thank you for putting them where they can be read thank you
that very inspiring and powerfull words , god bless too...
Very beautiful.
Very true! Unforgiveness is bondage......
Such a wonderful poem and how true it is . God is so forgiving , I deeply regret the horrible sins I have committed in my past which I have confessed and I know God has forgiven me . This poem made me cry because it brought home to me that we must forgive what others may do to us as G od forgave me .
Phenomenal! Wonderful! Blessed words of freedom!
Wow, so true! May we each find freedom and peace in Christ who has forgiven us.
Powerful... may we all be free from those chains!