Wisdom of the Spider
"The spider taketh hold with her hands..."
, by Emmanuel Higgins
For the last few gems we've been blessed by looking at some of the humble little creatures found in Proverbs 30 and the wisdom God has given each of them. Now we're going to look at the last of these small, yet exceeding wise, creatures.
Have you got a vision or dream of something great you'd like to accomplish? To do some great work for God? To be a missionary in some faraway land or even right in your home country perhaps?
Many plans are laid to accomplish great things but somehow... something goes wrong... The plans are just that.. plans.. but never really get put into action.
Why do you think this might be so?
There is one vital thing that many people overlook when seeking to accomplish a great work. And this, we will see from the wisdom of the spider in Proverns 30:28.
"The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces" - Proverbs 30:28
What a huge contrast we see in this verse. The poor humble spider who's sole job is that of weaving her threads of silk, yet where is she living? ..in the royal courts of king's palaces!
Imagine that a new palace has just been built. As of yet, no spider has taken her abode in those lofty courts. Now outside, on ground level, a spider down stands surveying the high towering walls above, and considers the wonderful living quarters that must surely exist over those turrets. If you were to scale yourself down the the size of the spider, looking up at the towering walls, how hopeful would you be of getting inside the palace?
It seems like an almost impossible feat! However does the spider despair? Does it stop to try and work out some complex difficult method of catapulting itself over the walls and shortly landing right in the kinds palace? No, without taking shortcuts, the spider simply takes hold with her hands and does the work that lies nearest. Day by day she patiently toils spinning her web and inch by inch the goal comes closer.
Eventually after much toil she reaches the top of the wall and drops over into the courts below. A great task accomplished that previously, could almost have been seen as impossible!
As with this humble creatures, so it should be in our lives. If God has given us a vision, some great work to accomplish, let's take hold of this work with our hands and do the tasks that lie nearest. By perseverance and patient toil we too will be able to accomplish things that previously would have been seen as impossible.
As we prove faithful to do the smallest and humblest tasks, God can then trust us with greater responsibilities, and greater tasks.
So whatever tasks the Lord sees fit to place before us, whatever work He has called us to do let's not seek to run ahead or to take shortcuts, but like the spider, bit by bit, day by day, faithfully do the work that lies nearest, always pressing toward the end goal. We are promised divine aid and strength as we take one day at a time.
"The faithful discharge of today's duties will be the best preparation for tomorrow's trials. We will not gather together all tomorrow's liabilities and cares to add unto the burdens of today. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. God gives us strength for each day" -- Ellen White, Letter 141, Jan. 30, 1896
In summary of the last few Bible gems we've learnt about the "four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:" And in the next few verses we found out that these four things are the:
The Ants work hard, and bring in food for the winter. From them, we learn not to be idle; we learn to prepare ourselves for the temptations, trials and tasks of the day by taking time to spend with God and receive strength and wisdom from Him.
Conies are feeble, but they make their homes among the rocks, and are always watching for danger. So we are to realize our weakness and danger and ever be on the watch lest Satan gain vantage over us. We are to make our refuge in Christ, for He is our rock and our safety.
The locusts are a dread to humanity for though they be small, in short order they destroy so much! Where lies their strength? In unity! So with us, if we are united, laying aside selfish interest and working together, how much may we accomplish for Christ!
The spider might be small, but by taking hold of the work that was nearest, it found its self in "kings palaces". If we take up and accomplish the work that is nearest to us; if we are faithful to do the little and humblest tasks; it is then that God can trust us with greater responsibilities, and greater tasks.
So dear reader, let's learn from these four "little" things that are "exceeding wise". Apply each principle to your life, pray to God for the needed strength and you will be mightily blessed.
129 Comment(s)
Beautiful. I'm especially in love with how you explained the spider. So very wise and needed.
I just saw a money spider crawling in my nkjv holybible and i now put back on another page reminds we will all go to live with jesus in his royal palace
God Jesus Christ knows no matter what I'm going threw and how much I lose along the way that I will always have faith and believe in him and walk by faith even if I can't see always
I woke up one day destroying the webs and spiders at my house ceiling, I looked up and one of the spider coming straight to my face; like attacking so I defended myself and trying to look for it to kill, though I don’t kill them but that particular one, but hey I did not see it. where did this pass? I was worried that was this one came in a spirit form? Cos my place was plane to find any tiny thing. I’m now wearing a spider ring and reading about them and I was got bite a green spider yesterday at work under a tree. Good people can you explain that for me? I want God to give me their wisdom too. I visited your site before that green one bite me and I didn’t see that one too.
I just finished studying Proverbs in the KJV on yesterday and I woke up with ants, conies, locusts and spiders in my spirit. I searched for information on conies and spiders and I just wanted to say your revelation on the wisdom of the spider in the kings court was phenomenal!
I will be reading more of your WISDOM
God Bless!
God is good. I was able to understand this verse.
I was directed to learn about the spiders this morning. Going through the scriptures I was not so clear about the clause "taketh hold with her hands," but on getting here, I understand it better now. Thanks for yielding to God and for being a source of blessing.
This was amazing. I was just meditating and talking to the Lord and as he gave me information about my life and my future a spider walked by. Thank you! May you continue to write and inspire others. I am also a writer.
I have learned things from this four small creatures
God reminded me of the vision in March 2021 he revealed that spider came out of my heart. Just this morning it came over to my thoughts again so I search in the Google a verse where can I find about the spider and this Lesson about the spiritual meaning of the spider had impacted me. Yeah, I need to value little by little small ministry with faith, pure heart, love, humility and perseverance to reach the fulfillment of the vision of greater responsibility in God's Kingdom. I declare more fresh wisdom and deep revelations of the gifts from the Holy Spirit overflow upon you Emmanuel Higgins in Jesus name...to God be the glory!
I had a prophetic dream about 4 benevolent spiders in my hand...and the Lord led me to your website to read this. By the way, there are four Scriptures about spiders...I never knew that until today. Have a great day and thank you for being such a blessing! May the Lord bless you all!
I had a nightmare of a house that my older sister had rented and there were tarantulas everywhere , even in the backyard. I was scared to death. I told my sister, I am not staying here! I was frantic and she thought it was funny. She was putting the spider in my overnight bags. Not sure what this means , if it’s about her or me. I will say , I don’t trust her with my life. She has done me wrong ever since I was a teenager She goes to church but she also cusses with the “F” word and goes to bars etc. Not sure what God is telling me. ??
I dreamt, I saw a web with a bunch of spiders in my room up on the ceiling. I got the can and sprayed them, but a I got into my bed they dead spiders dropped onto me and my bed and one of them fell into my shirt on my back. I woke up wondering what all that was about. I just recently had a fallout with some family members, they did something to me, a couple of months ago, but have forgiven them. I herd they are moving to another state. I need some understanding what this message was about that God gave me.
I was deeply moved by this. Yesterday a tiny green spider (not sure of its species but as small as a fly) anyways it appeared to me, crawled onto me and sat on my lap for a good 2 minutes or so. I took a picture, alot actually.After this experience I hopped onto Google to check if God send us messages through these nature's insects. I am blessed to have atumbed upon this piece or analysis. It has moved me, especially ironic how I seem to be going through some tough times dealing with work task and pressure. I needed to read this, to truly understand the concept of life when it comes to hard work and determination.
God lead me here. I loved the gem about the spider and the revelation from that.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. This is exactly what I needed right now. I’m in a very busy and active season and I feel by reading this that God is speaking to me, telling me that He’s guiding me, assuring me that I will make it and that He will renew my strength every day, walking with me day by day, step by step, task by task.
May God bless you for sharing what He has put on your heart and may you understand the impact it is having on people’s lives. You have done a great job!
It's my first time on this site, I believe, but very interesting.
It was so very encouraging to persevere, to do the little daily things the Lord asks, and slowly slowly the big task will be accomplished. Although I am so weak, yet God is strong and He gives me what I need, daily. Thank you for the beautiful picture of the spider, and transforming an element of fear into something so positive. God bless you.
Plus if you talk to or read the books of people who have died and gone to hell, but Jesus brought them back, they all say that spiders go to hell and none are in heaven.
Your spider analogy is something to think about. However, I also think it could have another meaning, as King Solomon wrote this passage, who ignored God's instructions on not marrying women of other gods. King Solomon turned from God for a time, but he realized that he was drawn away from the one and only living God and then returned to Him. Afterward, he referred to the ungodly women as the spider who lived in his royal palace.
May God bless you tremendously!!!
May God bless you tremendously!!! ????
I have been dreaming of spiders and I knew it must meant something GOD was trying to tell me. He had already told me "a little at a time." Truly I had become depressed. I kept looking for the meaning of spiders which I have always been terrified of and kept dreaming about. But this article has brought a great light in which I can identify with relative to the spiders, coneys, locust and ants. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this as one morning not that long ago my eyes were just opening from sleep when a loud voice ( very clear ) shouted "money spider" and from that time i started thinking i was about to win the lottery or along those lines ?? but thanks to Gods word and your assistance makes things so much clearer now with his reward to my spiritual well being-- Matthew 6:19
I honestly thought the spider only meant evil...so I was kinda scared to look up the meaning.
I keep seeing spiders, but I'm actually seeing the spider webs more than the actually spiders. I am so tired of running into spider webs. I don't like em and I guess God is trying to get my attention with them. Seriously the other day I was smoking and my blunt got caught up in the web!? like seriously, what are the chances?!God please talk to me to other way, I don't like spider's!!
I had a dream of spiders. The dream was vivid and in remembrance of my prayers I asked why am I not getting the results I desire. Why won't God give me success? Then I read your article-Wisdom of the Spider. I must lay my hands on the vision, daily.. UNTIL..God bless you and thanks..
God bless you for this, I searched up the meaning because of a revelation I got while in prayer. I just wanted to say that I saw that it said 'lizard' in the Bible so I was wondering what the correlation was but then I checked and it is a Hebrew Word (semamith) that is used here. It may represent the spider. Thank you once again and God richly bless You!
I have recently became a Christian. I was praying quietly this morning to God for a sign that he was hearing me that he would show me what I could do to please him. At that point a large spider started coming down from the ceiling which had been there for days, right above me. I put it outside but I believe it was a sign, hence why I looked this up. Amen.
Proverbs 30:28, "the lizard you can take in your hands, yet it is in kings palaces."
Meaning even the humblest creatures can attain to the highest circles of society.
Thank you for this edification. It really helps to be encouraged. I am a teacher and try to work in some biblical truths is my lesson without students knowing due to the public nature of my job. God blesses this practice because I have seen the results many times. --Geneva
Please get in touch I have so much to share and I sound crazy when I hear myself say it...hopefully Craig bird
What does it mean when you dream your around a lot of tall trees and a black widow spider landed on my right arm I ask this stranger to get it off me he swiped then the spider landed on the left side of my neck. I've been disturb and depressed about the dream. Please pray for interpretation.
Interesting, I want to search and study more.
Beautiful and, very good teaching..easily understood!(
There is also negative side to spiders which wasn't explained. At times dreams are not always from God, they can represent want a person is going on in ones life, struggles, fear etc. Also the enemy can be in our dreams.
I had dream of spiders last night which for me represented living in the present but fearful of what my future holds with what I am walking through now. Feeling trapped still stuck in my past which I couldn't find a door to walk through.
It is important to diagnose negative and positive meanings, journal the dream seek symbol meaning, asking Holy Spirit. Hopefully can share with someone
(prophetic person) whom understands dreaming if possible
This really has blessed me today having a picture "spider waking its web" telling me that God wants me to focus on what I have because He already sees the whole picture.May the Lord bless you more!
Thank you for sharing this.
This has blessed me and given the right answers to my fiancé’s God-given picture about a spider weaving it’s web.
This picture she got from the Lord, concerns about our missionary journey in Cambodia and also our personal walk with Christ.
Please pray for us!
God bless you all!
Thank you that was a lot of help "God Bless i had a dream of a spider last night i jinda got puzzled from it but it was a tarantula trying to touch me but it would back of i would shrug it of but it kept trying to bother me i wasent afraid just wondered after my routine prayer time this morning i 2as trying to find out why the spider in my dream but i beleive this my answer me and my husband are in transition from a minidtry we were attending hes an Elder " we are so full and desire to do more and be used i have a ministry for women in need that i was working on but i wasent really able to do it where we were at its so much witnessing we do in our lives along the way i make poems to encourage women print them out and pass them out and try to do things but its more we should be doing thanks so much your site was a blessing to me
I had a dream of a spider being embedded under my skin, as I looked down onto my leg I saw a ring around it?
And than it was slowly crawling out? The skin where it laid was gooey and slimy? My oldest sister pulled it off and smeared it on the fence outside?
How does one make sense of that?
I just experienced a spiritual exchange so I’m not fully sure the meaning behind this?
I have black widows spiderlings all over me and stuck in hair biting me help still cant get them out of rm cloths hair , bitten burning ,pain terrrer afraid of my lord up high give me strength
I was sitting around the table with some friends the other afternoon when suddenly a huge spider appeared from under the table in front of me. Mind you I had just been sitting arms crossed, not a bother in the world right beforehand. I jumped, no one saw it from the pereipherial but myself. I didn't really freak out, just asked what it had to tell me. My friend was hasty to kill it but I told him "no, you know how I feel about nature and the ways it speaks." It has been a few days since this encounter with my spider friend. Now, sitting here with my son, watching SPIDER-MAN (divine timing?) I decided to look up the meaning. Just need to take a second and say thank you to God! I need to remember patience and the love you have for me and others.
Always loved spiders,as a Christian i know GOD doesn't create evil or "bad"animals,respect them and they'll respect you
Thanks for those wise words it changes my thinking about the spider vision i see every morning. Becuase i was thinking in terms of witchcraft.
Today I woke up dreaming spiders crawling on my head to neck then their was this big spider about to come towards the house in my dream we were staying, The other day I also had a dream the spider run over me it was a small spider but only one. This article helped me today I know God will never leave me he is always beside me. Thank you so much sender this really reflects my life, I just Graduated from college an I feel so hopeless that I could make it to my goal. I want to work abroad and this is just the right article!! Thank you God bless!
From ph.
These 4exceeding wise insects are diligently active.But the spider i like most because of spider web pattern master weaver master builder .For these little insects to be able to do what they do daily is God like driven with Jesus Christ ,Mother Mary,GOD all is possible 4Ever Amen
Wow! Great word!!