In Acceptance Lieth Peace
Peace comes in accepting His will - Beautiful Poem
, by Emmanuel Higgins

In acceptance lieth peace,
O my heart be still;
Let thy restless worries cease
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice,
It is His -- therefore rejoice.
In His plan there cannot be
Aught to make thee sad:
If this is His choice for thee,
Take it and be glad.
Make from it some lovely thing
To the glory of thy King.
Cease from sighs and murmuring,
Sing His loving grace,
This thing means thy furthering
To a wealthy place.
From thy fears He'll give release,
In acceptance lieth peace.
-- Hannah Hurnard
10 Comment(s)
I first read this poem almost 50 years ago and still remember it. I am now sharing it with my daughters and granddaughters.
Accepting the Alzheimer’s my husband has and not going back to way things were is hard to accept.. thank u for your poem
This poem speaks to my heart. Experiencing trials can be offsetting, but knowing God is in the midst, and He will give peace.
Wow! Acceptance, know God has a plan, glorify & trust Him. That's everything!
Wow what a beautiful screen pictures with God's Word I just love the poems too especially " The touch of the Masters Hand" A man and a woman does this in a play at our Church Camp, and, when I saw it, I was brought back to that beautiful day. Praise our wonderful gracious loving God for all our blessings.
how often do you send it mostly Poems?
I learned this as a song at a Bible School I attended 38 years ago. Never knew who wrote it. It appeared to be a poem birthed out of great pain. The song comes to me when I am in my darkest hours. It brings me a peace in knowing I am to trust and accept what the Lord brings my way. Love on Him even when I can't see the light of day knowing he is working in me and through me.
My Husband died in June. I thought I was doing well, but tonight listening to music he
loved I fell apart. I am going to Griefshare - which is a wonderful faith based journey for
widows/widowers. It has helped me tremendously. Your poem is a comfort to me.
Thank you.
My mother's favorite. In a time such as our country with the political divide and immorality at its highest I'm praying for unity in the Body of Christ and Jesus' return.
My wife past away 4 mo. ago and this was very helpful. I will share with others, thanks.