Why Worry? (part 1)
Busy People Just Getting Busier?
, by Emmanuel Higgins
Our lives tend to get busier and busier don't they? More and more worries seem to crowd into our day until we hardly have time to spend with our loved ones, or more importantly, with God.
Worry and Stress is one of the biggest problems for many. The fast-paced life, and stressful environment can also cause health problems and it leaves us tired and unhappy.
So how can we cope with worry and stress, or even eliminate them from our lives? Let's what the Bible says to us.
But first, let's ask ourselves a question. Have you ever felt burdened with so many things to do that you just feel exhausted? And trying to sort out plans for tomorrow just seems overwhelming?
Here's our first key to eliminating worry.
Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Another meaning for the phrase "take no thought" is "don't be anxious". And let's think about it... what happens when we "take thought" or become anxious about tomorrow? Does it actually help us? No, and for a very good reason.
Lets read another verse:
Deuteronomy 33:25 …as thy days, so shall thy strength be.
You see, God has only given you and I strength for today. He tells us, "as our days, so shall our strength be". In other words day by day, God will give you the strength you need for today, not for tomorrow.
So if we become anxious for tomorrow, what have we just done? We've stepped outside of the strength God has given us for today, and the result? Becoming worried, stressed and over-tired.
So does this mean we should just forget about the things of tomorrow? No, but we shouldn't get anxious about them, we should submit ourselves to God, and trust that whatever happens tomorrow will be a part of God's plan, and that He will give me the strength to bear it.
So lets purpose not to bring the worries of tomorrow into today, but to live just one day at a time.
God asks us to live only one day at a time. You need not look a week or a month ahead. Today do your best. Today speak and act in a way that will honor God. The promise is, "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." {RH, April 14, 1904 par. 18}
To be Continued
9 Comment(s)
CJ 8 years ago - February 10, 2017 at 6:36 am
Thank God! I really needed to see this and hear the message after the past few days I've had. So stressed worrying about the future, the end, and my place. Why worry? God is on my side. I believe in Him, trust in Him, and even though I may stray from time to time, I know where my beliefs are. Thank God for never giving up on me!
Lynda Stephens 14 years ago - December 5, 2010 at 9:57 am
Beautiful words Emmanuel and beautifully written. I take strength in the knowledge that I never walk alone. God is by my side.
Helen Warbey 14 years ago - August 1, 2010 at 8:27 am
Excellent. I really can relate to this topic. Before I met Jesus and know anything about God, I often worry about my future. I often felt alone in doing all my planning. I wondered about whether I was heading in the right direction. I cared about being successful with my career, money, relationship etc... I had put myself through alot of worries, subconsciouly, that I find it difficult to find time to have a close relationship with my family.
Sarah Johnson 15 years ago - July 29, 2010 at 8:56 am
Thank you Emmanuel for this one, very encouraging. We do tend to plan ahead so much with little thought as to how God might feel or what His plans might be for us! How much we have yet to learn.
Priska 15 years ago - July 26, 2010 at 4:03 pm
If we would always bear this in mind we would be the happiest people on earth! Let's stop with worry and stress. God holds the future in His hand!
James 15 years ago - July 26, 2010 at 12:21 pm
Thank you.
Julie 15 years ago - July 26, 2010 at 11:29 am
thanks so much for the encouraging words - I needed this reminder !!!!
Hannah 15 years ago - July 26, 2010 at 9:50 am
A very encouraging study. It is one that is a hard one to put into practice and I think it requires a faith in God that He will supply our every need. I often look into nature and contemplate how the birds and animals never worry and stress about life and yet God cares for all their needs. How much more must He care for each of us.
Wendy 15 years ago - July 26, 2010 at 8:42 am
Thanks Emmanuel - such an important lesson for all of us and one we would do well to put into practise. God indeed does supply what is needed for today as we submit to His leading. So why should we have concern about tomorrow when tomorrow, He again, is going to supply our every need???