Who is Your God?
Is it who you think it is?
, by Emmanuel Higgins
I've never met a Christian who says they don't love Jesus. All Christians say "I Love Jesus". Yet, sometimes I wonder if Jesus is really their God.
According to the Bible, how do we determine who or what is really our God?
Let's travel back in time to the days of Moses. That great man of the old testament who was God's instrument in leading the people of Israel out of Egypt.
After Moses fled from Egypt as a younger man, he spent 40 years in the wilderness. At the end of which the Lord came to him and told him to go to Egypt and to talk with pharaoh about letting Israel go.
Moses didn't think he was the right person to do this, and so he made the excuse that he was not eloquent of speech, and could not talk with Pharaoh, the leader of the most powerful kingdom at that time.
God answered saying that his brother Aaron could go and do the speaking instead of Moses. God would talk with Moses, Moses would then tell Aaron what to say, and Aaron who would then speak with Pharaoh.
You can read this story in Exodus chapters 3 and 4.
However, the verses related to our question "Who is Your God?", are the following, where God speaks to Moses saying:
"And thou [Moses] shalt speak unto him [Aaron], and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do.
And he [Aaron] shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, [even] he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God." - Exodus 4:15-16
Verse 16 is very interesting. We read that Aaron would be the spokesman, but notice the last part of the verse where we read that Moses would be to Aaron instead of God.
What does that mean? It doesn't mean Moses is now divine like God, but rather, in some way, Moses is going to function as a God to Aaron.
How was Moses a God to Aaron? The answer to this, will help us recognise who our God really is.
Later on in the story we read:
"And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet." - Exodus 7:1
So not only is Moses going to function as a God to Aaron, but also to Pharaoh.
Think with me, regarding these two relationships. What similarities do you see? In what way did Moses act as a God to Pharaoh and Aaron?
The answer is very simple. God told Moses to put words in Aarons mouth, to tell him what to say and do. The same words were told to Pharaoh, commanding him what to do, in letting Israel go.
If Aaron or Pharaoh did not obey Moses, there would be consequences (of course Moses only said the words God had given him).
Moses spoke, Aaron and Pharaoh were to obey. In this way Moses acted as a god to them.
So Who is your god? Your god is whoever, or whatever you listen to and obey... Implicitly.
Sadly, many people say Jesus is my God, but their actions testify otherwise. They listen to their job, their spouse, their girl/boy-friend, or their school friends and would sooner obey them rather than Jesus. Or they may sacrifice obedience to Jesus for fashion, their education, or some other worldly pursuit.
Dear reader, don't be deceived. Jesus says:
"If ye love me, keep my commandments." - John 14:15
Who is Your God?
27 Comment(s)
That great I want to thank God for his grace upon my life and ur time for the deep insight
Thank you for this wonder charge.
Great Spiritual stuff. Holy Spirit will open the eyes of our hearts and mind to know our TRUE GOD. Shalom Aleichem
My GOD is the conscious and subconscious of all beings and creature's in the universe. Each one of us is connected to each other through GOD.
The WORD Jesus means G is us. Or we are G. We are only part of God but God is the collective of all of us. God is omni present in each of us all at the same time.
Wow this is amazing thank you lord for you are my God thanks for being there for me and my family we have no other God but you we love you Jesus.
I'm so glad I came across this! I will pass it on. Thank you all.
My favorite and try to pass it on
I do really think that sometimes God never existed..that I always travel my life being alone and lonely, that he left me nothing to hold and a heart full of agony, but when I read the poem of ''Footprints in the Sand'' ..I just realized that Jesus is Life and He is always there for us when times Life is hard, and He just don't usually leave people but He carry us all along to the journey where Jesus and Angels walks the path. I wish that every people and sufferer find the path to the journey where He is. And Problem is a way to call and communicate him.
Thank You!
This is profound. I'm guilty of having other Gods while saying Christ is my God. I humbly ask Him for forgiveness and ask for Himto help me keep Himself in the forefront of my mind
Lord, from the beginning of my life i noticed that you always there for me, you carried me all throughout of my life. You did not left me despite of my troubles, my sorrows, my heartaches that i encountered all throughout you walked with me O Lord!
Lord, you know that you are my strength, my life, my provider, my best friend and the father. Lord, thank you because you loved me.
wow this is amazing !
this is very goog rember lov god
god we love you so much more than i love myself
God was to Moses as God was to Jesus with the exception that God did not speak to Jesus, he spoke through him - possessed him at the age of 30 if you prefer. Sometimes it was Jesus speaking, other times it was God. God was able to work through Jesus because Jesus was not only human, but God's perfect son - born to be the channel for God to speak to mankind directly.
Thank you Gregor, my Jesus does embrace me He has given us everything, now it is up to us to do what we can for Him and to get Him back - now! To put an end to the unbelief, vileness and cowardice.
good commentary. may God embrace you.
Yes God is good - God alone according to Jesus. He is so good that He sent His only begotten Son so that the world that He loved may be saved through Him.
Jesus said John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
John 14:9 Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
All about Jesus
Exodus 6:2, 3 - 2. And God went on to spea to Moses and to say to him: "I am Jehovah. 3. And I used to appear to Abraham, and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.
Yes there are millions of 'gods' and many ways to god but only one way God the Father, the creator.
Jesus said - 'No one can come to the Father except through Me'
God the Father on the Mount Transfiguration commanded the disciples of Jesus 'This is My Son whom I love, with Him I am well pleased - LISTEN TO HIM !
Jesus said 'Everyone who hears My words and puts them into practice is like a wise man' .'Everyone who hears My words and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man',
'If you love me, keep my commands'
'If you keep My commands, you will remain in My love just as I have kept My Father's commands and remain in His love'
i loved this but i love God more
Thank you so much for this, I really love reading stuff like this
Dengan pimpinan Roh Kudus(ROH KEBENARAN)kita akan mengetahui/mengenal siapa TUHAN KITA.
Google Translate: "(With the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of truth) we will know / understand who OUR LORD is.)"
Yes we must follow the Fathers command - the one to the disciples of Jesus.
Which is like a lost command because most do not know it nor do it, including me - well not enough.
If you would do what I say, rather than what Jesus says, then yes I would become your 'god'.
It's okay to listen to other people. For example, the Bible says we must obey our parents. But it qualifies that saying "children obey your parents, in the Lord". So yes we are to obey our parents, but we are not to place our duty towards our parents above our duty to God.
It's the same kind of thing with the laws of our country. We are to obey them, providing they do not conflict with God's laws.
wow, thats a cool point you made. he he if i listen to you, does that mean that your my god? ;)