Overcoming Insecurity
How do we overcome insecurity & find fulfillment for our deepest needs?
, by Emmanuel Higgins
Insecurity and fear is something we've all had to battle with. Perhaps as a child, we feared being alone in the dark, imagining scary monsters around every dark corner! As the years passed by these scary monsters took different names, like failure, rejection or betrayal.
God created human beings with many needs. From what I've observed, these needs unmet, result in insecurity and fear. For example, consider our basic need for food. Unmet, it results in fear of hunger and starvation. Whilst in our western countries we may never feel this, it is very real to many living in poorer places. Our need for love and acceptance causes us to fear rejection and betrayal.
Ironically, we also have a need to be needed, to be wanted or desired by someone. What I mean is, when people want you to be around; when they want to include you in their activities; when they appreciate your skills, and depend on you to get jobs done, it fulfils a deep God-given need. Otherwise we feel useless, unwanted, lonely.
We have many other needs, the need for inner-peace, contentment, the need for companionship. We need hope, a vision, a purpose. Well, I could go on and on trying to think about all our needs, but let's get right to the point.
If all the needs of the human soul are met, we will indeed be free from fear and worry. We would have absolute security and stablity. We would be the happiest people on earth! How can this happen? Who can satisfy the longings of our soul?
"...the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts." - Haggai 2:7
In that man of all men, in Him who is the desire of all nations, our deepest needs find their perfect fulfilment. Jesus alone understands how to satisfy the needs of mankind. Not only is he man, and can understand how we feel, but He is the all-wise creator. It was His hands that formed the human mind. Jesus knows no failure. He will never reject or betray his followers. He showed us the greatest love imaginable, placing a value on us that cannot be comprehended. He promises to be our closest companion, to fill us with peace that passes understanding, to be our hope, giving us the greatest vision for this life, and the eternal life to come.
When our soul is perfectly surrendered to Christ, and the presence of the holy one is abiding with us, then and only then can we find complete freedom from fear, worry and guilt. As the deepest longings of our soul are satisfied, we find perfect contentment in every situation. We realise that the safest place to be is in the presence of God, no matter where we are!
My question then is. Why are so many of us, desperately trying to find outside of Christ, that which can only be found in Him? Young people in particular. Let me explain.
Just like a venus fly trap lures an insect by the promising scent of nectar, so Satan claims to 'satisfy' our every need. Through money, houses, friends, computer games, movies, food, immorality, multimedia, Facebook, flattery, inappropriate girlfriend/boyfriend relationships, etc. he promises instant gratification for our every desire. Yet, as we have all experienced, we are only left feeling more fearful, empty, alone and unfulfilled than ever before.
The problems begin when we depend on people to meet our needs. But more on that in the next Bible gem.
There is only one way to real security and freedom from fear. That way is in Christ. I can personally testify to the truth of this quote:
"I needed help, and I found it in Jesus. Every want was supplied, the hunger of my soul was satisfied; the Bible is to me the revelation of Christ. I believe in Jesus because He is to me a divine Saviour. I believe the Bible because I have found it to be the voice of God to my soul." - The Ministry of Healing 461, Ellen G. White
I hope, dear reader, that you are thinking. Stay tuned for the next gem, as we dig deeper into this subject.
"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." - Psalms 37:4
22 Comment(s)
Norma 7 years ago - January 25, 2018 at 8:53 pm
Thank you for your inspiring gems, words worth meditating on.
God bless
Patty 7 years ago - August 12, 2017 at 10:30 am
It seems to line up with the Word of God, we all need to be careful! blessing, i will go into pray with this it is a beautiful messages ! well in Christ God's Peace and Grace
kegomoditswe 8 years ago - July 12, 2017 at 11:47 am
Camy 8 years ago - June 9, 2017 at 9:30 am
Very up lifting and very inspiring. I treasure these beautiful pieces that you bless up with as we read them and they have taken part in my life and others.
Continue to inspire us.. God bless you all.
Kevin 8 years ago - June 8, 2017 at 1:37 am
This is God sent for me personally..thank you
Nevaeh 8 years ago - April 5, 2017 at 12:31 pm
Thank you so much. It is exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life.
Mohini Toppo 8 years ago - February 14, 2017 at 9:28 pm
Thank yu, it is really helpful
Yvonne suckling 8 years ago - September 2, 2016 at 9:13 pm
Very encouraging ,thank you
MOMODU RASHEED 10 years ago - June 30, 2015 at 6:16 pm
This is wonderful as please i encourage you more God bless you truly there is no help from any where except JESUS CHRIST
kevin 10 years ago - April 1, 2015 at 1:16 am
i like snacks. are snacks satan's work? if we didn't eat snacks we'd be grumpy between meals, but this gem says that satan lures us through food. should i not eat snacks anymore?
Barbara 10 years ago - March 17, 2015 at 4:04 am
Dear Beloved(s)
I shout a concurring, "Amen!"
I encourage you to keep His light shining through the gems brethren! What an illumination the Lord is in our lives as we walk in His word. What a joy!
I have recently printed 2 of your messages and shared with my parents who have baby faith and are aging.
Personally, God moved mountains in my life as I prayed: "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." - Psalms 37:4
I'll check back to see what you are sharing!
I am truly blessed to have a "spiritual relationship" with Father God Almighty by faith and through the saving Grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Glory to His Name.
Blessings and Thank You so!
Ambassador for Christ,
Mrs. B. Phillips in Strongsville, Ohio
kalidas gattu 10 years ago - September 21, 2014 at 12:48 am
iam knowing deepest things through only bible thank u
Garry 10 years ago - August 28, 2014 at 12:17 am
Thank you for these words. I was lost in this world, I worked hard and didn't have any close friends, I didn't have time for making any. I would never read the bible, until someone spoke to me as I sat at dinner. I was just asking my wife why things were tough at the moment, and before she could answer, someone said, "you turned your back on me." I was shocked, and yet I knew who it was,but it worked. That was five years ago. I am still reading my Bible, and I truely do believe Jesus Christ shed his precious blood for us all.
preethi 11 years ago - February 19, 2014 at 9:54 pm
blessed word
LILLIAN PIPPA POTTER 11 years ago - January 30, 2014 at 3:33 am
Ramesh 11 years ago - January 10, 2014 at 2:31 pm
thanks for sharing God word
Miki Bean 11 years ago - December 25, 2013 at 3:33 am
Thank you for these thoughts and for sharing God's word. Blessing for you & yours. SHALOM
Anonymous 11 years ago - December 25, 2013 at 2:25 am
This is totally incredible! All our doubts, fear, insecurities, hopelessness, and many other things we all let get in control of our lives, can be settled in Jesus Christ. We have to let him have complete control! Thank you for sharing
Anonymous 11 years ago - December 24, 2013 at 5:40 pm
When it comes to the Bible I am very interested to read anything that proclaims Gods' supreme power & understanding of the humankind. God never promise us something He won't fulfill. For every prayer we say, He always answers us.Being alive every day is already a blessing from Him. We should always count our blessings, not the problems, because blessings outnumbered problems. We shouls always thank God, we lived in this country that is not suffering from hunger & homelessness. Amen.
Stine Gro Struksnæs 11 years ago - December 24, 2013 at 5:12 pm
Thank you for sharing these thoughts. They are very relevant, and the message in Psalms 37:4 is SO true. God has made it so simple for us - we only make it hard by our worries. I like the following Bible verses:
Joh 6:5 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?
Joh 6:6 And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do.
God always knows what He will do. Only our self, our own plans and our worries can hinder Him from doing it.
Rebekah 11 years ago - December 24, 2013 at 1:09 pm
Interesting. That analogy of the venus fly trap is very accurate. Thank you for sharing.