King Will & the Three Judges
What will you choose?
, by Emmanuel Higgins
Making decisions isn't always easy. Sometimes we are torn between two options, we want to do one thing, yet perhaps it isn't the best thing to do.
Next time you're faced with such a decision, remember King Will and the three judges.
Once Upon a Time...
Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a king by the name of William, or Will for short. King Will's kingdom ruled the entire world. Whatever king Will said, would be done. His word was always the final word.
Now before King Will made any decision, he would consult his three trusty judges. They were: Judge Conscience, Judge Reason and Judge Heart's Desire. Each judge would ask a question. Judge Conscience would ask "Is it right?" Judge Reason, "Is it best?" And Judge Heart's Desire, "Is it what I want?"
So King Will would listen to his three judges and then make a decision.
Who is King Will?
Now this is just a story. You and I are King Will. God has given us freedom to choose. The power of decision, of choice, the power of the will is the governing force in the nature of man. And we each have a conscience, reason and heart's desires.
Consult the Judges
Let's now imagine your friend is saying "Hey, we're having a movie night tonight. It's gonna be a blast! We've got the latest movie in the Avenger series; there'll be lots food and fun. Come on over!"
Now let's ask judge conscience, remember each judge asks a question. Conscience asks "Is it right?" What do you think the answer is in this scenario? Consider Philippians 4:8 (whatsoever things are true, just, pure, of good report etc.. think on these things).. is it right to set crime, violence, immorality and other evils before our eyes and watch these things, knowing that what we watch affects us? To help, also ask "Is this what Jesus would do?" If Jesus wouldn't do this, well, judge conscience would say no, it's not right.
How about judge reason? He would ask "is it best?" Could I use my time better? We know that by beholding we're going to be change, so watching movies like this is going to affect the way we think. So judge reason would say "It's not the best use of my time, and it's not best for my mind to watch these things", so no it's not best.
What about judge Heart's Desire? You see, often you'll be faced with something you know isn't right, you know it isn't best, yet your heart's desire is saying this is what I want. Now what does King Will decide? To follow Heart's Desire or to do what is right and best? Should we listen to heart's desire, at the sacrifice of what is good and right? No!
What to Do with Heart's Desire?
If, dear reader, you consult your three judges and find your heart's desire isn't where it should be, then immediately open your heart to God in prayer, and like David, pray:
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." - Psalms 51:10
The promise of God is:
"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you..." - Ezekiel 36:26
You see, what we need is new heart's desires, heart's desires that are after God's own heart. Then when we are faced with the same scenario, all three judges will be in agreement. The heart will then desire those things that are pure and holy.
In Conclusion
So remember your three judges as you make decisions day by day. Exercise your power of will to always do what's best and right, asking God to change the desires of your heart to be after what is pure and holy. You aren't in this struggle alone, God promises to give us strength.
"As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings. " - Christ's Object Lessons pg. 333, by Ellen G. White
8 Comment(s)
Benard odhiambo 4 years ago - December 9, 2020 at 10:07 pm
wow,inspiring lol to my heart
Vivian Sampisi 4 years ago - November 25, 2020 at 2:39 pm
Wow. This is great. I pray God to help me keep on consulting king will all the time n stick to Philipians4;8. My prayer to God to give me a clean heart desires to please him always.
Rickilynn 6 years ago - January 16, 2019 at 10:23 pm
Many thanks!!! Blessings!!!!
loraine 12 years ago - September 8, 2012 at 2:40 pm
Praise ye the Lord..Thanks for the nice message...
lee 13 years ago - June 20, 2012 at 6:12 pm
so good to be reminded to constantly surrender our will to God.
Hannah Ridgeway 13 years ago - May 23, 2012 at 10:46 am
Emmanuel thank you for such an encouraging and thought provoking little gem. It is so true though.
terry 13 years ago - May 22, 2012 at 9:39 pm
l needed this a couple of months ago ,, thanyou
Rebekah 13 years ago - May 22, 2012 at 11:06 am
Thanks for sharing. I'll remember that :)