He Careth For You
The Fashioner of Snowflakes
, by Liesl Higgins
"Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?" ~ Job 38:22
This year, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing snow fall for the first time in my life. I’ve always lived in places in Australia quite far away from snow, but after moving this year to a place where it does snow sometimes, it has seemed like such a novelty to me to watch it fall. After a snowfall, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in wonder trying to see individual snowflakes. Those I’ve seen were incredible & beautifully intricate! Then as I’ve looked over the ground before me covered in a thick blanket of snow, I’ve marvelled at the thought of how many individual flakes there must be right before me, and yet every snowflake is different! Yes, our God is the God Who breathes out galaxies. He’s the God with Whom nothing is impossible; nothing too great.
"Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness…" ~ Is. 50:2
But He’s also the God Who fashions countless billions of tiny snowflakes in perfect beauty. There’s nothing too tiny for Him. And there’s no part of your life too small for Him to care about either... “He careth for you.”
As I read the miracles of the Bible, I’m touched by the wondrous care God has for us. I love the grand miracles – flames having no power, hungry lions acting like peaceful kittens to a man beloved of heaven, a sun moving backwards across the sky... But what perhaps I find even more precious, is that the Bible isn’t just filled with miracles of God’s care for big things like feeding the five thousand or walking on water. It also includes God’s care for a boy who accidentally lost a borrowed axe head in water in the days of Elisha – a care sufficient to work a miracle for that son. It includes water made to wine, making a wedding more special. And it includes attention to things as preciously tiny as the numbering of the very hairs on your head.
"But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." ~ Luke 12:7
Dear reader, do you ever feel too small to notice? Do you ever desire God to mould and fashion your character further, yet feel you’re unworthy to tell your every need and longing to Jesus? Do you ever feel like you have burdens greater than you can bear? Yet perhaps you hesitate at the thought of how small your challenges must be in comparison to the great and grand stories on record? That God to Whom nothing is too small, Who cares for a boy and his borrowed axe head, Who fashions those countless billions of tiny snowflakes all in unique intricateness, is our God.
“Nothing that in any way concerns our peace is too small for Him to notice.”
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” ~ 1 Peter 5:7
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